Community at Core of New Council Building
The community will be at the core of a new development in the Hervey Bay City Centre that will feature a new public plaza, a larger library over two levels and flexible spaces that can be booked for meetings or community events.
Fraser Coast Regional Council today endorsed the concept design report for the new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre), which will be built on the corner of Main Street and Torquay Road in Pialba. The concept design report includes the artist’s impressions of the new building and public plaza, outlines the strategy behind the design, and details how the library and office spaces could be fitted out.
Cr Denis Chapman said the Council was partnering with the Australian Government through the Hinkler Regional Deal to improve local economic outcomes, liveability and resilience, with the new Council building to be the “backbone” of the Hervey Bay City Centre revitalisation.
“In developing a new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre, we want to create a building that sets the benchmark for business, investors and developers,” he said.
“The building design has the community at its core with an expanded library over two levels and flexible community spaces that could be used both day and night.
A pedestrian link crosses through the site, providing a new front door to the parklands in Pialba while a new public plaza will be created in Main Street, and about 100 underground public car parks will be provided.
“More than three-quarters of the development will be community space.”