BlueCare Toowoomba

BlueCare Toowoomba

BlueCare Toowoomba exemplifies how existing aged care homes can be revitalised to provide home-like environments without compromising on exceptional care.

BlueCare Toowoomba’s beautiful 11-hectare site is home to five residential aged care lodges, independent living units, respite and community care, and administrative services. Organically developed over several decades, the site needed to be reassessed, understanding how modern care practices and market expectations can be applied to an already fully occupied facility.

From this initial analysis, three priority areas were developed: the conversion of an existing Independent Living Unit into a communal retirement living building, the refurbishment of the five residential aged care lodges, and the construction of a new on-site kitchen and laundry.

Designing for home

The five residential lodges, Camelia Court, Rose Cottage, Magnolia House, Wisteria Lodge, and Jacaranda Place were brought back to life. The refurbishment of these aged care lodges focuses on creating a sense of home, drawing on the traditional character of the neighbouring houses, providing a sense of familiarity for

the residents. The previous institutional nature of the facility was challenged; handrails are removed and the back-of-house servery, where food was previously delivered through a tuckshop-like window, was transformed into an open domestic-style kitchen, where residents are empowered and encouraged to engage during meals.

Understanding the complexities of refurbishment

Refurbishment works are often fraught with unforeseen issues, resulting in delays and increased costs. Working for a not-for-profit client in a fully occupied and operational site means that delays and increased costs were not an option. To reduce this risk, early contractor involvement was sought as early in the project’s development as possible. By engaging directly with the contractor, the design phase was able to consider potential latent conditions and construction risks. Where items could not be quantified or condition appropriately inspected, consideration was made in the documentation for ‘worst case scenarios’, meaning there were no surprises on site. This process has provided a harmonious collaboration between client, contractor, and all consultants from design to handover.

"Cottee Parker delivered successful incorporation of value management changes to serve a limited project budget without compromising the design intent. Problem solving required to transform an existing ‘dilapidated’ nurse’s wing into a fit for purpose commercial kitchen & laundry. Effective and efficient services provided during construction.”


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